I serve just one niche:
The Startup CEO

My focus allows me to understand your world, to learn best-practices from the most successful CEOs and to customize my work around your needs.

My clients are:


Startup founders.

From seed-stage to pre-IPO you founded a startup backed by venture funding. You’re likely a first-time founder and every day you’re managing a bigger business and bigger team.

Scaling like crazy.

Your challenge is to grow your business exponentially. Scaling this fast means constantly redesigning everything: Your strategy, the way you execute, the way you lead and communicate.


Struggling with impostor feelings.

You have to ask experienced investors for capital, sell prospects on your nascent product and convince top talent to join your startup. And you have to do this with a confidence you rarely feel inside. You doubt your judgment, you feel lost leading. It feels like, at any moment, people will find out you don’t know what you’re doing.

Willing to train like elite athletes.

You know just how much you have to learn, you know that you need any edge you can get, so you are willing to work really hard to grow yourself. You are prepared to look at your blindspots, change habits that are holding you back and make coaching a top developmental priority.


Referred by successful Startup CEOs or top-tier VCs.

You’re here because you’ve heard that my coaching is intense, you’re here because someone you respect told you I get results. If this sounds like you, then let’s talk, please click here to set up a time. I can’t wait to be in your corner.


Let’s work together.

What clients are saying about Tim


“Simply put, Tim is a fantastic coach.

In addition to being an ultra-talented synthesizer of information and a great communicator, he has literally walked in the same shoes of his clients. He knows from first-hand experience the self-doubt, roadblocks, and unexpected problems a startup CEO encounters and loses sleep thinking about. As a result, his advice is spot on; Tim has helped me immensely in navigating a period where I've led my organization through one existential crisis after another. Throughout Tim has pushed me to look deeper at my reaction to events, check my ego, and enhance my listening and understanding of what drives the people within my management team and the broader organization. My only regret is that I didn't find Tim earlier in my career!”

– Startup CEO, Seattle